Sunday, October 2, 2011

A Short Declaration of Existence and Why You Should Care

Art is whatever you make it. For me it is a hobby, a source of income, and a large part of my education. It could also be said that art is whatever you USE to make it. You won't find that I often use tiny brushes and photo-realistic detail, I'm more of a spray paint kind of guy.

That said, welcome to the despite design blog! Here is a little rundown of what you'll find. I'm doing a big project for part of my degree. It is a self-taught art study and I chose to focus mine on street art, primarily stencil work done by the likes of Shepard Fairey and Banksy. I am particularly draw to the mixed media work that Fairey does under the OBEY Giant name.

For my project I will be creating artwork on canvas and wood in a similar style that you might expect from these two artists. I will be using a combination of stencils, printing, and collage. At the end of my study, in about ten weeks, I will be having a gallery show of the works created.

This blog serves two purposes I suppose. First it will show a bit of the process of creating this style of art, and second, it will hopefully promote the show and give those of you who are flung all over the world a chance to keep up with what is going on in the studio.

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