Saturday, December 10, 2011

A Change of Seasons, Change of Pace, Change of Format

It wants to be winter here in the Northwest. I've been doing a lot of painting outside because the pieces are so big and I need a lot of ventilation when I use spray paint. Since Friday morning it has been to cold for painting outside to be a reasonable option. That puts me in a situation. I need to continue making pieces, but can't do much indoors... or so I thought. I visited a show of one of my art professors this weekend and was inspired by the smaller format pieces that mimicked the usual large work. I happen to have a stash of dense cardboard, the backing from pads of drawing paper, and today I saw a use for it. I primed to boards and brushed two base coats of solid yellow onto them. Then I used stencils and spray paint (ever so conservatively, we're inside remember). I am happy with the results, and the apartment doesn't smell to bad...

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